These syllable types clip cards can be made self-checking {if you print them front to back}, which makes them perfect for some independent practice!
Both picture clip cards and word clip cards* are included for these syllable types:
1. Closed Syllables (VC/CV) like in the word puppet
2. Open Syllables (V/CV) like in the word robot
3. Closed Syllables (VC/V) like in the word wagon
4. CVCe Syllables or Silent e Syllables (CVCe) like in the word locate
5. R-Controlled Syllables like in the word garden
6. Vowel Team Syllables (CVVC) like in the words between and poison
7. C + le Syllables or Final Stable Syllables like in the words needle and simple
8. V/V Syllables like in words diet and lion
Just print them front and back to make them self-checking, which makes them PERFECT for independent work or a center!
You can even extend the activity by asking students to write down or sort the words as they spell and clip them.
*Many of the words chosen for the picture clip cards and word clip cards overlap. Because of the abstractness of some of the words, there are more word clip cards (53 cards) than picture clip cards (43.5 cards) in this pack.
All clip cards come in color and blackline.
Click HERE or on the image to see a preview of the cards.
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