If your learners are working on reading words with closed or open syllables divided as V/CV or VC/V, these Break it Down Syllable Division Cards {both digital and printable cards} are a simple way to give them practice.
Let’s Break it Down ~ Syllable Division Cards
Sometimes learners struggle to go from reading simple one-syllable words to longer words. Once learners know how to read simple, one-syllable closed syllables like kit or ten and open syllable words like no and he, you can move them to longer words that are composed of both open and closed syllables like kitten or hero.
One of the walls readers “hit” with syllable division is when they come to words like robin or habit. These words seem to be divided as ro-bin and ha-bit (V/CV), with an open first syllable with a long vowel sound.
But, of course, this is not how they are pronounced. Instead, these words should be divided as: rob-in and hab-it (VC/V). The first syllable in each word is a closed syllable with a short vowel sound.
How are learners supposed to figure out the difference? Great question! My teaching video, found below, can be a super helpful tool to help you teach this kind of syllable division to your learners!
Watch my teaching video on YouTube or Rumble!
Use these syllable division cards to give your learners practice with dividing words as V/CV or VC/V. The cards are available in THREE formats, so you can pick the one(s) that work best for you and your learners.
- Google Slides – A link in the PDF is provided for 20 self-checking digital cards plus directions on how to assign them to Microsoft OneDrive
- Seesaw – A link in the PDF is provided for 20 self-checking digital cards
- Printable Cards – 20 cards {color and blackline}, a printable recording sheet, and printable answer key
On each syllable division card, learners are asked to:
- Look at the word
- Examine the word’s syllables
- Break the word down into its syllables -> 1st syllable+ 2nd syllable {either as V/VC in tu-lips or VC/V in hab-it}
- Write the word in a sentence
All digital and printable cards are SELF-CHECKING! In Google Slides and Seesaw, learners can drag a box over to check their answers and read a sample sentence. Just print the answer key for learners to check their work if you’re using the printable cards.
>>Click HERE to preview these cards.
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