These Dolch Primer sight word practice pages are an interactive way for learners to build fluency with sight words.
Dolch Primer Sight Word Pages
Learners will get extra sight word practice as they read the word, find the correct spellings of the word, use spelling manipulatives to build the word, trace the word, write the word, AND (this part excites me) use the word in the context of a sentence. {The example above comes from this Dolch P pack.}
Learners can write the sentence themselves, dictate it to you, copy it from a sentence you create together, write it with you (sharing the pencil) or any combination of these. You can really differentiate this step for your learners.
This individual pack includes words from the Dolch Primer word list.
You can get even more goodies with our DOLCH BUNDLE PACK. It includes all PP-3rd Dolch sight words PLUS 65+ Dolch Nouns and Editable pages not found in our individual packs!
All sight word pages are included with the triple handwriting lines or single lines. Click HERE FOR THE PREVIEW.
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